Online German Test
The piloting of the new Online German test is completed. From November 15 to February 24, 2019, more than 500 people participated in the piloting of the online German language test. Many thanks to all participants. You helped us,
- to determine the proper functioning of the test and to find and correct errors in the concept, content and programming.
- to verify and, where necessary, to optimise the calibration of the tests to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
- to verify the degree of difficulty of the German-items and adjust if necessary.
- to find too few clear instructions and too few good answer options and to improve this.
The German test is currently in statistical analysis. After this is done, we will revise the incorrect items and response options. After that, the test will be available live in the first version.
The new Online German test provides an accurate and comprehensive assessment of the German competence of applicants, employees, course participants, students and clients.
Please contact us if you are interested.
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